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ivory travertine beige stone tile  sold by surface group

Ivory Travertine Tile

This natural stone tile and mosaic collection, featuring Ivory Travertine, offers a versatile and timeless option for any design project. The Ivory color provides a warm and inviting aesthetic, making it suitable for a range of styles and looks.

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31 products


UMBRIA : Silverado Azalea Mosaic (honed filled | 13"x13"x3/16" | straight cut)UMBRIA : Silverado Azalea Mosaic (honed filled | 13"x13"x3/16" | straight cut)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Andorra Chairrail Molding (honed | 2"x12"x1" | straight cut)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Pencil Liner (honed | 11/16"x12"x1/2" | straight cut)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: 2X2 Straight Stack Mosaic (tumbled | 12"x12"x3/8" | straight cut)IVORY TRAVERTINE: 2X2 Straight Stack Mosaic (tumbled | 12"x12"x3/8" | straight cut)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: 1X2 Staggered Joint Mosaic (rock face | 12"x12"x5/8" | straight cut)IVORY TRAVERTINE: 1X2 Staggered Joint Mosaic (rock face | 12"x12"x5/8" | straight cut)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Basketweave Mosaic (honed filled | 12"x12"x3/8" | straight cut)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: 2X6 Staggered Joint Mosaic (rock face | straight cut)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: 1X1 Straight Stack Mosaic (honed filled | 12"x12"x3/8" | straight cut)IVORY TRAVERTINE: 1X1 Straight Stack Mosaic (honed filled | 12"x12"x3/8" | straight cut)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Hexagon Mosaic (honed filled | 10"x12"x3/8" | straight cut)IVORY TRAVERTINE: Hexagon Mosaic (honed filled | 10"x12"x3/8" | straight cut)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Travertine Pool Coping (tumbled | 4"x8"x1" | straight cut)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: 1X1 Straight Stack Mosaic (tumbled | 12"x12"x3/8" | round)IVORY TRAVERTINE: 1X1 Straight Stack Mosaic (tumbled | 12"x12"x3/8" | round)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Threshold (honed filled | 4"x36"x3/4" | beveled)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Corner Shelve (honed filled | 8"x8"x3/4" | round)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Travertine Pool Coping (tumbled | 12"x24"x2" | round)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Rectangle Field Tile (tumbled | 3"x6"x3/8" | round)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Square Field Tile (honed filled | 18"x18"x1/2" | straight cut)IVORY TRAVERTINE: Square Field Tile (honed filled | 18"x18"x1/2" | straight cut)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Square Field Tile (tumbled | 4"x4"x3/8" | round)IVORY TRAVERTINE: Square Field Tile (tumbled | 4"x4"x3/8" | round)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Square Field Tile (honed filled | 24"x24"x1/2" | straight cut)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Square Field Tile (tumbled | 6"x6"x3/8" | round)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Square Field Tile (antiqued | 12"x12"x3/8" | round)IVORY TRAVERTINE: Square Field Tile (antiqued | 12"x12"x3/8" | round)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Square Field Tile (honed filled | 12"x12"x3/8" | beveled)IVORY TRAVERTINE: Square Field Tile (honed filled | 12"x12"x3/8" | beveled)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Square Field Tile (honed filled | 18"x18"x1/2" | straight cut)IVORY TRAVERTINE: Square Field Tile (honed filled | 18"x18"x1/2" | straight cut)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Square Field Tile (antiqued | 18"x18"x1/2" | round)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Square Field Tile (honed filled | 4"x4"x3/8" | straight cut)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Travertine Paving Tile (tumbled | round)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Square Field Tile (honed filled | 24"x24"x1/2" | straight cut)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Rectangle Field Tile (honed filled | 2"x5"x3/4" | straight cut)IVORY TRAVERTINE: Rectangle Field Tile (honed filled | 2"x5"x3/4" | straight cut)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Rectangle Field Tile (honed filled | 12"x24"x1/2" | straight cut)
IVORY TRAVERTINE: Rectangle Field Tile (honed filled | 12"x24"x1/2" | straight cut)IVORY TRAVERTINE: Rectangle Field Tile (honed filled | 12"x24"x1/2" | straight cut)
IVORY: Travertine Ledger Stone Smart Corner Wall Panel (6"x6", 6"x18" | Rockface)
IVORY: Travertine Ledger Stone Flat Wall Panel (6"x24"x1/2"-1 1/4" | Rockface)IVORY: Travertine Ledger Stone Flat Wall Panel (6"x24"x1/2"-1 1/4" | Rockface)